it was with "his people"
WHAT?!?!?!?! yes yes yes! It is for the apple store at either gateway or fashion place. He would
start probably working the retail but I keep trying to tell him that he should be running the freaking genius
bar instead. He learned at this interview that it is apparently really hard to get a job with apple. He spoke to
some guy there who had been waiting 4 years just to get to this point for an interview!
The plus side to this is that he could work his way up, he also has his associates degree in graphic design and I am hoping that the degree will help him be a little higher than just one of the retail guys. But I think he would be happy with anything because he is wanting a second job and at least this way he would actually
like the second job.
The apple hiring process is apparently quite a deal. You have to apply, then you have to be selected for the group interview and a one on one, then there is a second interview if you make it past that point and then you would be hired and have to go through mass amounts of training. But he was told by a bunch of "the big people" at his interview that apple is amazing to work for. If you ever want to move? and there is an apple store/ apple corporate there....BAM! you got a job no matter what. You get a 25% discount on anything apple you buy, you get benefits, you get to try all the new apple products, you get to work in nerd land paradise. I really hope he gets something, you know that saying..."something good is bound to happen after so much bad" ??? Can we get a little extra good this way please? He also got a lead from his school on a graphic design job where he would make about $4,000 dollars more a year. Now that is a step in the right direction! Hubbs is so wicked computer smart and I just wish someone would give him the chance to prove himself. He will hopefully hear from apple on Friday, where he would then go to his second interview. So PLEASE PLEASE apple....TAKE MY HUSBAND!!!
Apple Store = LOVE
Apple Store in Manhatten? = SUPER LOVE!!
So much are very fortunate. You have more than anyone else did starting out. Need to learn that everything takes time and does not take care of everything. Life is full of strong and don't expect perfect.