Monday, May 30, 2011

The blogger in me

is like a schizophrenic woman. Sometimes she likes to blog, sometimes she finds it to be a useless task with a mere four followers (not that I don't appreciate you four loverly ladies).  But I have had an eventful weekend- four day weekend that I absolutely needed, finished about two projects (one of which is major!) got randomly sick, and rested...a lot.  Pictures to come :)

Hope you all had a nice Memorial Day weekend (big shout out to our troops- the reason for this day) 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

:: If one day you get the urge......::

....... to be a Medical Assistant.
well okay you can but only if you like being
a personal assistant, a secretary, a phlebotomist, a medical records person, and a professional hand holder to those that can't do a damn thing for themselves!

I really like my job today--can you tell?
I am also a bitter betty because...surprise! I did NOT get into the rad tech program
apparently now not only is my math grade not good enough but neither is my anatomy grade.
So cool.
I worked my ass behind off in that class to get a C+
but now I need a B-
and I need to re take math again
and somehow magically work full time
that will totally work right?
not all.
Sorry this isn't some dandy precious positive post
this is me
bitter and i feel cheated.
I had three friends thats right THREE
graduate with their bachelors degrees this year
here I am
still here- like I have been for the last five years.

Oh hi...this is me..loser-ville population: One Trina 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

:: Hope ::

I have HOPE.
hope that some day cancer will no longer be a feared word
hope that we wont need to wear ribbons to show the pain we have felt
hope that hair loss will only be associated with old age
hope that children and families will not be scared of the unknown
hope that everytime a "lump" is found in the future we don't immediately think the worst
hope that surgery is not something people will need to save their life
Putting poison and radiation through our bodies will be a thing of the past
we will wear pink because it's pretty- not because we want to show the cancer we have seen

 Untill that day...
my mother
my sister
my other sisters
my brother
my father
and everyone else close to our family
will look breast cancer in the face
and say
F@#! you!!
we will defeat you
we will do it with class
we will do it with the support of our loved ones
and we will fight you because we are tough
we are the Black's
we don't mess around
we get shit done
and we get it done right

Nobody is stronger than a woman raising four boys
running her husbands company
and dealing with the lifelong disease diabetes
and no one is more supportive than her crazy family

She has guardian angels
because she herself is an angel here on eath

so again I say
 F@#! you
breast cancer
we are going to kick your ass Black Family style.

It's time to get my game face on
I have a disease to fight
and a sister to love.

Friday, May 13, 2011

:: My baby nephew ::

My baby nephew Steven
is GRADUATING from High School
in about three weeks.
I can't even believe that he is that old
I remember when he first got his drivers license and I thought he was old then!
I took some awesome pics of him last night
so that he could use them as senior pics and for his announcements
He photographs well- must be the good looks he inherited from me : )
Here is a little sneaky peaky at my hottie nephew

Soooo epic right?

***** Hi Juliette!!! : ) *******

Monday, May 9, 2011

~ Can I please just say..?? ~

How much I HATE  cancer.
any kind of cancer- but especially Breast cancer.
Get out of our boobies.
they are meant to hold up hot dresses and to feed our children
not to be infected with a life threatening disease.
you are an ugly ugly disease
you cause people to have surgery
get radiation put into their body
and loose their hair
Get out of my family.
get out of this world in general.
I wish I could wear every possible cancer ribbon everyday
but I especially rock the pink
Breast Cancer,
and when it does...I will be the first to dance on your grave.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

:: To Jamie ::

This will not make sense to anybody but her.
Why would I post this on my blog you might ask?
Well, that would be because Jamie and I have not truly and actually "talked" in like two months.
It makes me sad but I made a promise to myself and to her that I would not be the one to contact her anymore-she had to do it.  Does it sound like we are a junior high couple? cause we are-don't judge.
If you don't care what I have to say to Miss Jamie Lynne then stop reading.
Ok if you are still here then you must want to know.
So here we go.

Dear Jamie-
       I wasn't sure if I liked you at first- I thought you were a follower of Satan's mistress (AKA- Lisa).  After her reign of hell was over you got to open up and actually talk to me...then I fell in love with you (best friend love- not lesbinim love kids) and it was like we had been friends our whole lives.  Being the bitter and hilarious people we were hanging out with our "sunshine, lollipops, and puppies" friend Brooke. I had someone to go to and talk to about things other than my sisters.  You were always the right friend to open up to.  I always said I have two groups of friends The party people and my married and calmed down girls, you somehow fit right in the middle and was exactly what I needed in a best friend.  I had been close with you for like a month when I said "Jamie, why don't you just be in my wedding?" and you laughed and I said "um, no Jaym, like seriously" because you had talked me off my "bridezilla" ledge multiple times already at that point, gone with me to meet florists, meet photographers, and looked at bridesmaid dresses with me--all this was before I even made you a bridesmaid yourself! awesome-town population....YOU! 
 You made the most beautiful wedding/guest book for my wedding and hauled your hot married mom ass with us to Vegas for my bachelorette party and I am pretty sure you danced more than me the first night! haha Our Wednesday nights featured scrap booking sessions and furniture re-finishing, our Friday nights-Saturday days were lazy with movie watching and funfetti cupcake making and sometimes involved trips to the D.I.  I have been hanging out with some old friends lately and discovered that I don't like it- I miss my friendship with you.  Tiffany has been there still as my constant best friend but everyone wants more than one best friend right? I know you go through your moments of being a "hermit crab" but I know you need a best friend too.  Shaylee is adorable but lets face it- the girl can't carry on a solid conversation-probably because she is only like a year and a half old but still. haha There was a disagreement and some hurt feelings and that was a weird and awkward situation for both of us- mostly because we had never been in a fight before (well besides when you freaked your beak over me taking your phone) I felt hurt, betrayed and abandoned and truthfully I still do.  I always wanted to talk to you about it but I am the person that usually shows you why I am angry before I show you why I am sad so I just decided to not talk to you in person about it because I thought all you would see is my anger side of things.  JCHA knew exactly from the beginning my true feelings...he saw the hurt side and addressed it with me and made it better for me and him.  I fear you only saw the angry part and so you pulled away as well.  
On your guys last day there- I was an emotional mess on the inside- and you thought Brooke was bad! It hurt more that you didn't pull me aside and say your own good-byes to me and that made me feel even more like this move was also a move away from our friendship.  When it came down to "the last diet pepsi session in JCHA's office" I let it all out and cried...and cried... and cried and now as I am thinking about it I am starting to cry again! but....I couldn't show that in front of you- what can I say? JCHA brings it out in me-it's the whole big brother-little sister thing again. Then days, weeks and eventually months went by and re-kindled friendship. So I am reaching out-this is me wearing my heart on my sleeve and it doesn't happen very often so take note. I miss our friendship. I miss having someone to talk to.  
I miss.....
 "Omeprazole" and "zetia" said in Italian voices
"freakin my beakin"
trading my diet cokes for your diet pepsi's
yelling at you for having mud on your shoes
dance parties in the car..or your garage while we paint
Zoupas dates
Grey's dates 
being your "nanny" when we would go places with Shaylee
making "the face" at you
being the crazy to your hypothyroidism
 I miss you.
I still have so much to tell you but seeing as how this post is already crazy long I think I shall leave it with some pics.

Me and Shaylee bug

love you..seriously though.. I do