Friday, September 23, 2011

Update on the Apple...and other things

THE apple called Mister Mr.
He has a second interview....keep all your fingers, toes and eyes crossed please
It is this upcoming Monday so pretty sure I will be a nervous face all weekend.

I am doing ok in school, the quizzes are getting harder and harder...imagine that! ha!
I love the lab part of it, I actually get to use an x ray machine and move it around and look like a big kid.
I also got my "badge" last night. Rad techs and Limited Rad Techs have to wear this anytime they are
working with x rays.  This is something that I will have my entire in the radiology big wigs of the US
will keep track of how much radiation I am exposed to.  If you reach "the limit" meaning you are obviously over doing it, then that's it! finito! finished! no more radiology for you! you will be a desk junkie pushing papers. Which in radiology...would suck!
 Lately, I am becoming more and more interested in teaching an MA program at a college, I'm not sure how I would get into it though.  The main people who run it at my school have the same certifications and credentials that I do so maybe I will set up a meeting with one of them and see how I could break into it.  Any other suggestions?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

cross your fingers, cross your toes...hell cross your eyes too!

The Mister Mr.  had a job interview yesterday. Not just any ole job interview
it was with "his people"
WHAT?!?!?!?! yes yes yes! It is for the apple store at either gateway or fashion place.  He would
start probably working the retail but I keep trying to tell him that he should be running the freaking genius
bar instead.  He learned at this interview that it is apparently really hard to get a job with apple.  He spoke to
some guy there who had been waiting 4 years just to get to this point for an interview!
The plus side to this is that he could work his way up, he also has his associates degree in graphic design and I am hoping that the degree will help him be a little higher than just one of the retail guys.  But I think he would be happy with anything because he is wanting a second job and at least this way he would actually
like the second job.
The apple hiring process is apparently quite a deal.  You have to apply, then you have to be selected for the group interview and a one on one, then there is a second interview if you make it past that point and then you would be hired and have to go through mass amounts of training.  But he was told by a bunch of "the big people" at his interview that apple is amazing to work for.  If you ever want to move? and there is an apple store/ apple corporate there....BAM! you got a job no matter what.  You get a 25% discount on anything apple you buy, you get benefits, you get to try all the new apple products, you get to work in nerd land paradise.  I really hope he gets something,  you know that saying..."something good is bound to happen after so much bad" ??? Can we get a little extra good this way please?  He also got a lead from his school on a graphic design job where he would make about $4,000 dollars more a year.  Now that is a step in the right direction!  Hubbs is so wicked computer smart and I just wish someone would give him the chance to prove himself. He will hopefully hear from apple on Friday, where he would then go to his second interview.  So PLEASE PLEASE apple....TAKE MY HUSBAND!!!
Apple Store = LOVE

Apple Store in Manhatten? = SUPER LOVE!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Oooo It's a BAD WORD! and my family

That damn C word (cancer..sshhh) is a BAD WORD
I seriously think it is.  Saying the word cancer to me is like saying F*&%
as ridiculous as that may sound, think about it.  How many times a day
do you hear people mock the C word?
"oh you have a weird lump in your knee...its cancer"
"you feel sleepy? My second cousins sisters husbands brother read somewhere that means that you have cancer"
"My hair is short, I look like a cancer patient"

No one thinks you are funny and you are not sick. 
There are people who really are sick and you are mocking the everyday life that they have to live.
I have had so many patients come in and say stupid shit like this and I have to walk out
and hold back my immediate need to yell at them! Luckily I work with a very unstanding
doctor who lets me vent about how much that bugs me. People don't even realize when they are doing it,
I have noticed people in my life (names witheld for their protection) say things like that and
I just want to smack them.  It is not something that you should get in the habit of doing. 
These people are obviously people who have never been slapped in the face with the C
word with their family members or themselves. 
So it is a little hard to explain to them why that is such an ignorant comment to make. 

On a positive note... I am so thankful for my amazing family.
I used to get excited to hang out with friends and be crazy and party and dance with them...
now days?
I would rather sit in a circle and drink beer and homemade wine while singing "Long Haired Country Boy"
straight up Charlie Daniels style with my crazy and hilarious family.  Watch my nieces and nephews dance, and then eventually watch the older and drunk people dance on picnic tables and such.
High-freaking-light of late summer---crazy times spent with a bunch of people I love and adore.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

sometimes, you just know

sometimes you just know that you married the right person
we (hubbs and I) are poor people. like not living in government funded housing or
selling our plasma to buy things poor. but ramen, party pizza eating, not eating out, buying milk only when ours is ridiculously expired poor. And today while e-mailing my husband telling him how much I hate playing
the game of "poor, married, college students" he responded with something so ridiculously sweet and positive it gave me that glimpse of hope that something will get better. something will work out.  someone will get a fatty raise (or a new job with his degree----crosses fingers). our future children will not have to be clothed in garbage bags.  That kind of hope.  Please see below...

"You are the best and I wouldn't want to struggle and be poor with anyone one else in the world other than you :)"

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

:: For my SIL ::

SIL for those who don't know means
mine (the mister mr.'s little sister) is in Spain for the next three months
meow. cry me a river right?. meow.
but after reading her blog bayleeface (that's not the real name of her blog, that's just what I named it)
I discovered the sad news (for her) that she cannot find regular milk over there.
Being the milk whore lover that she is- this is a disaster. I may have to send her some milk
cause I honestly do not think she can make it.  So when I came home from school, I was craving
and I mean CRAVING a big ole' glass of milk with my inception cookie. FYI- Inception cookies (as the hubbs calls them) are oreo cookies baked inside a chocolate chip cookie. Get it? a cookie within a cookie? haha clever man. So I took some pics for her because it was damn tasty and I wanted to remind her why she has to come home now- she can't meet some hot spanish guy and stay there. Girls gotta have her milk.

oh yeah! and Baylee, you better believe it was tasty and the milk? nice and cold!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

:: One Year ::

One year ago- I married the Mister Mr.
I seriously feel like I am this little 15 year old girl
crushing on this goofy punk kid with his sideways hat.
Listening to Blink 182 and going to football games
on Friday nights at the high school.
It is even crazier to think we have known each other for
8 years! I can't be that old yet...can I?

My favorite things about my husband
* His ability to make me laugh when I need it most
* "The Face" he makes at me when I say something silly
*  How good and how sweet he is with my nieces and nephews
*  How great he is at reminding me that I am a good person and to keep pushing through
*  His mad skills at Creed impressions haha
*  I love the yummy potatoes he makes for me when I am super hungry
*  I love that when I attempt to make dinner- and it turns out terrible, he still eats it like it's his last meal.
and sooo much more! I can't wait to see what is in store for us in the future boo!
I love you :)