Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I'm having a moment... I need to vent

Oh man alive- what a day I have had. I had a phone interview today for an MA position in the radiology department at the Salt Lake Clinic...that er um I didn't even know I had.  The manager had called me so I was simply calling him back,  and then all of a sudden before I knew it I was involved in a phone interview.  All the crazy trick questions and the "what would you do if...." 's and all the butterflies moving around in my stomach telling me that I must sound like a complete tard to the guy on the other end of the phone.  So um that was cool....not.  Then a giant shit show- pardon my french- from our manager telling us that we would be doing all our own blood draws now...way cool right? I DID NOT...I repeat DID NOT... sign on to be a phlebotomist as my job.  I am a medical assistant with the skills for drawing blood I don't want to do it all day-if I wanted to then I would be working as a phlebotomist. Good point right? yes I thought so.  Then my sweet hubbs goes to school ( keep in mind that he only has 4 months left until he graduates ) and figures out all his financial aid crap...the crap he discovers is that in 4 months we will be $40,000 dollars in debt. Yeah, way cool.  Which means that each month after he graduates we will owe his stupid school 200 dollars.  We just paid off like 3 of the 5 credit cards that he/we had and now we are going to get some more debt.  I am having these moments of " should we have even bought our freaking town home" and "who cares if I couldn't get home in the snow- we didn't need to buy the all wheel drive CX-7 with the nice new payment" and my ever so favorite one " Why in the hell do we go to school to just pay for it for the rest of our lives?" 
I honestly don't know what in the eff I am doing- All I know is that.... (1) I have wanted to be happy in my career- which I'm not- (2)be successful and finish school- which I haven't-(3)get married to my best friend-ok I have done that- (4)and be a mother- which I am not simply due to the fact that we have debt and are going to get a bunch more and oh yeah...I am not done with school and to get to number 4 you need to have successfully accomplished numbers 1 and 2.  I feel like such a big fat fail and if I hear " you are young, you have plenty of time" one more time I swear to sweet baby Jesus- I will scream and scratch your eyes out! 


Thanks for letting me vent. Feels good...this venting to no one thing.. get it no one? cause I have no one that reads this bloggity blog. 

something positive? Went to one of my friends weddings this past weekend and got to be dressed up and hang out with my girls.....made me happy for the time. 

the bride in the middle...oh yeah...it was a masquerade style wedding

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