Sunday, April 24, 2011

I want way bad.

This contest looks like my dream come true.
I have this kitchen.
She isn't pretty but she isn't horrible.
It drives me crazy- I like literally don't go in there cause it bugs me so bad
It probably bugs me more because I work and go to school and my house should
just freaking be looking exactly how I want it to look!!!
so..lets see the dirty work eh?
 Remember when red kitchens were like way cool?
 the red stops here. I was already sick of it then...ssshhh don't tell my husband. He was still painting the second coat when I said "um let's just stop at the wall with the sliding glass door" and in my head was thinking..."blah!!!!"
 like my way too long curtains on the sliding glass door? wal-mart style baby..that's how I roll , and they usually only have like one size left in the color of curtains you want.  When your sliding glass door is naked and people can peep into your kitchen--you take what you can get. 


 I have these crazy cool arches in my house that are wasted on my ugly kitchen

 yucky light brown cupboards that do not oh yeah anything!!  

Did you throw up yet? 

cool tile in my entryway

 ugly linoleum in the kitchen...that has paint on it in random spots by the way (I am not a neat at all)

Oh yes...and there is also no window treatment on the window over the sink. When you are poor you just cover the main don't worry about the little one over the kitchen sink,... or in the bathroom,... or in your husband's nerd room where he gets dressed everyday. Minor details people, MINOR. 

See what I mean about the arches in my house? rocking your socks off right? That is actually the first thing I loved about our house. 

Oh Hi granite-looking-maybe-expensive-but-you're-not counter top..why are you attached to such ugly fake ish looking wood?

Let me tell you...I am a handles on my cupboards loving kinda girl...see how there are no handles on any of my cupboards in my kitchen? Embarrassing how I still to this day-after living in our house for a year- don't know which side to open them on? Handles people. these are a few of my favorite things (said in a Julie Andrews song voice)

notice our light above the table? see how it is a sideways and funky a little bit? That would be because anytime that our table is moved (ever so slightly might I add) and the light is hanging out there by itself someone always.....ALWAYS walks into it and nearly breaks it every time.  Especially if my husbands friend Lance is there...dude is like 6"4 and smacks his head on that every-freaking-time. You would think that someone who has been to our house so much and is used to being so tall would learn to watch out for low hanging light fixtures.  I don't bother fixing it because it will just get messed up again.
I despise this kitchen. It is the only thing I want to change in my house but I never have the money or the please VR-- HELP ME HELP ME and come LOVE MY FREAKING GUTS!!! I am only in Salt Lake- that is just a mere 4 hours from you---ROAD TRIP!! You will save money on travel which would leave more money to destroy and re-love the sad little pathetic guts that are my kitchen. 
My husband would appreciate it as well because then he wouldn't have to hear me complain about it all the time! I have good intentions for this kitchen Mandi (for those of you that don't know who she is I suggest you learn, she will change your fo' real), but I think you would make dreams come true if you came and worked some of that vintage revival magic on it.
The-kitchen-hating little Mrs.  

Just because I'm awesome like that

I re finished a console benchy thingy..yep thats what I am calling it.
I originally wanted some sort of hope chest to go at the end of our bed but I was having trouble finding one at the loverly D.I. so instead I settled for thing benchy thingy. Looks pretty awesome if I do say so myself. 

BEFORE--this was still while it was in the store


The close up of her lady curves 

This is how it looks with our bed spread- you dont get a full size pic because our bed hasn't been made in months. Don't judge me. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

:: Come on get down with the sickness ::

cause you know I am.
1. Where did my random kick-yo butt cough come from?
2. Why don't I have a voice?
3. Why do I have a job where I need to talk a lot and be around people who hate being around sick people?
Ok so obviously I am a little under the weather- although really I'm not.
I have a cough that is kicking my trash and for some reason it is also causing my voice to disappear. cool right? I had like .5% of a voice this morning. I hauled my no-voice, 2-pack-a day-30-year-smoker sounding self into work and am a little bitter about it...can you tell?
So my loverly friend Brooke traded me this morning so that I could be in the lab and not have to talk much- which I fully appreciate but I have had two patients tell me already " why are you sick and at work? don't you know that those of us with diabetes have a weakened immune system and get sick really easily?"
Oh really? I had no idea!!! I haven't been working here for 5 years and I don't have a sister with type 1 diabetes so I did not know that!!...sarcasm much?  So I am a little bugged at my working environment today- but I have had mostly nice patients so that has made it a little better. On a really really positive note- I have a new baby niece!! WOOT FREAKIN WOOT! she does not have a name yet..which does not surprise me because that is how my brother has always been when it comes to naming his children but look how precious she is...
um are cute much.
Please excuse me now while I go cough up my internal organs..TMI I know but that's how I feel.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

:: For your viewing pleasure ::

Happy Hump Day Kids!! Here is something to keep you going- I know it sure helps me!
Oh yeah- I love it when he shows his sleeve- I like a man with tats!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Getting back to my roots

I grew up with horses
like I am pretty sure I learned how to ride a horse before I learned how to walk.
which may be why I still have never learned how to swim
(don't judge me, pools are for laying by not swimming in)
back in the day when I first got my horse Hank I would ride him everyday and spend hours brushing and combing his hair.
These days.....
not so much.
mostly because he is out at my family farm in Bridgeland...Utah of course.
So there he is...out there...getting fat and sassy and enjoying the life of a farm horse with no 14 year old wanting to bug him.
But still....
I. Miss. Him.
wanna see why?

Cause he is beautiful...and he likes me.
well when I have a pocket full of orange carroty deliciousness.
looking forward to spending more time out there when the weather gets better!

:: I gave up....

Yeah big surprise-- I gave up on the blog about something for 30 days thing...once I started doing that I realized that I have lots to talk about and don't need to have some little game tell me what to say.
Granted--you might not want to hear about 92% of what I have to say (yes I said 92- get over it)
but imma tell ya anyways.
and speaking of things imma tell you anyways can I please just say...
how much I am loving my favorite blogs?


especially from mrs to mama-- I could read her posts all day.
makes me think that I could be a fun and hilarious mama like her.
when I feel like hubbs and I can afford it.
which at this rate will be.....
okay okay I am getting off subject here
Main topic- read my fav bloggos
love em.
and then give them back cause they are mine!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

I have this sudden urge...

to move to Daybreak- I just happened to look at some houses in Daybreak today because I am really wanting to transfer to the new University Health Care Center going up out there and
I am in love with that community.
I hear the HOA is really expensive.
But  so is ours and we don't get a new modern home with a lake!
Maybe I am just burnt out on trying to decorate our house with no money.
But look how cute this house is.
Can't you just see it--white picket fence, kids running around, cozy little home with dinner on the table?
ah my dream world.

you gushed right? cause its Lover-ly. I know.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Just because...

I am stuck in the lab all day today drawing blood
and listening to Adele radio on pandora
I thought now would be as good of time as any (did I say that right? )
to say that
I love HATE snow
especially in the quote... "spring time"
that is all.
nuff said.
Utah weather sucks.

::If you haven't heard of Adele....then we have to break up::

Seriously though.
Like Adel=HUGE place in my heart.
I fell in love with her back in the "Hometown Glory" days.
I drifted.
and came back.

Her new CD (or album? is that what they call it in the biz?)
melts my heart.
like . so . hard .
Get it.
don't ask questions. Just let it happen. 
and when you do....
I HIGHLY recommend that you listen to
"Turning Tables"
"Set Fire to The Rain"
"Someone Like you"
"Rolling in The Deep"
seriously these 4 songs and "Hometown Glory" cause me to sing
at embarrassingly high levels while I drive around and get funny looks from people
because I sing like I am Whitney Houston-you know with the funny arm movements?-
For now here is a little preview for your hearing pleasure.

(click on me)


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I'm having a moment... I need to vent

Oh man alive- what a day I have had. I had a phone interview today for an MA position in the radiology department at the Salt Lake Clinic...that er um I didn't even know I had.  The manager had called me so I was simply calling him back,  and then all of a sudden before I knew it I was involved in a phone interview.  All the crazy trick questions and the "what would you do if...." 's and all the butterflies moving around in my stomach telling me that I must sound like a complete tard to the guy on the other end of the phone.  So um that was cool....not.  Then a giant shit show- pardon my french- from our manager telling us that we would be doing all our own blood draws now...way cool right? I DID NOT...I repeat DID NOT... sign on to be a phlebotomist as my job.  I am a medical assistant with the skills for drawing blood I don't want to do it all day-if I wanted to then I would be working as a phlebotomist. Good point right? yes I thought so.  Then my sweet hubbs goes to school ( keep in mind that he only has 4 months left until he graduates ) and figures out all his financial aid crap...the crap he discovers is that in 4 months we will be $40,000 dollars in debt. Yeah, way cool.  Which means that each month after he graduates we will owe his stupid school 200 dollars.  We just paid off like 3 of the 5 credit cards that he/we had and now we are going to get some more debt.  I am having these moments of " should we have even bought our freaking town home" and "who cares if I couldn't get home in the snow- we didn't need to buy the all wheel drive CX-7 with the nice new payment" and my ever so favorite one " Why in the hell do we go to school to just pay for it for the rest of our lives?" 
I honestly don't know what in the eff I am doing- All I know is that.... (1) I have wanted to be happy in my career- which I'm not- (2)be successful and finish school- which I haven't-(3)get married to my best friend-ok I have done that- (4)and be a mother- which I am not simply due to the fact that we have debt and are going to get a bunch more and oh yeah...I am not done with school and to get to number 4 you need to have successfully accomplished numbers 1 and 2.  I feel like such a big fat fail and if I hear " you are young, you have plenty of time" one more time I swear to sweet baby Jesus- I will scream and scratch your eyes out! 


Thanks for letting me vent. Feels good...this venting to no one thing.. get it no one? cause I have no one that reads this bloggity blog. 

something positive? Went to one of my friends weddings this past weekend and got to be dressed up and hang out with my girls.....made me happy for the time. 

the bride in the middle...oh was a masquerade style wedding