Oh geez! Let's see-- recently I have had a fantastic Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, been to Wendover (lost a whole 29 dollars...damn!), been sick, been promoted to lead MA at my work (yay!...i think..haha), gotten a new car with AWD (and a new payment..boo), been sick, made some crafty things for our house ( pics to come), oh yeah...did I mention that I have been sick? FML. Sickness has taken over my body for the last 6 weeks. Started with a cold- runny nose, sinus pressure, headache--which then it continued with a cold but then the bloody runny nose creeped in there and then a sore throat and now I have a ridiculous sore body--no i did not fall, exercise too much, or over strain myself...trust me, remember...been sick for 6 weeks-haven't been crazy ambitious. My body seriously feels like I am an 80 year old woman- it started with my right hip, moved to my knees, into my arms, hands and shoulders (can't lift my arms very high) and now as I am writing of my troubles my jaw is becoming stiff and sore...oh and I still have a sore throat...awesome? I think so. I start school up again next week and I am excited and anxious- I just want to get a good grade but I know I have to buckle down because this is seriously not as easy as I would like it to be. My best friend Tiffany had her little monkey on November 21st- he weighed 6 pounds and 2 ounces and was BARELY 19 inches long--tiny lil guy! His real name- although I will barely be calling him that is Brydan-

Hi...precious baby much? yes I think so.
I also finished our headboard for our room- that's been awhile though- I am just slow on the update. A couple months ago I decided that I was going to re-do our master bedroom in yellow, gray and black. So I found this headboard at the DI for a cool 20 bucks- Jamie doubted its capabilities at first glance but then she saw the potential.
The Before--hey 80's retro much?
The Marvelous after!
It's Gray with a black glaze.
It now goes with this bed set
kind of a crappy picture but our room wasn't clean so i couldn't take a real picture haha-remember... I have been sick! So I leave with these fun little updates- I hope to feel better ASAP so that I can post much more of my new creations. I hope you all had wonderful holidays and I hope your new year is going great!!
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