Is it sad that I just want to do crafty things all the live long day? seriously! I went on another adventure with dear Jamie today. By adventure I mean a trip to the DI, well actually two DI's. We hit a small jackpot at the DI in Sandy because both Jamie and I found something! YAY! more to come on those... got you excited huh? you thought I was actually going to tell you what we bought! HA! But we did start work on one of my projects. I am beyond a little kid waiting for Christmas morning. Spray paint is going to rock my world for the next little while. I want to be working on these projects all the time- I wish we had like a big ole shop with everything we needed and we could just go to town on this stuff. I have seriously enjoyed having this time before the holidays to just relax after work and on weekends to do my own thing. In the past I have always had school and homework but it feels good to take a break and do something that I actually want to do! I bet you can't wait for pictures right? yeah me either! stay tuned kids-it's gettin fun!

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