Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dum diddy dum Day 3

I like saying something other than just "Day 3" can you tell?
Day 3 is "Your idea of the perfect first date".
Oh boy- is this a realistic date? ha cause my idea of a perfect first date is not very realistic and actually probably wouldn't involve a straight man. I am pretty sure that no straight man in his right mind would like to go shopping with a no limit credit card in New York and then go to dinner at some fancy place...right? haha ok so my "realistic" perfect first date.... I would say dinner at The Cheesecake factory-looooveeee it-favorite place to eat in Utah.
 Then some sort of chick flick with a huge thing of buttery yummy popcorn and a big ole diet coke.  After the movie I would want some coldstone

a love it size of cake batter ice cream with two cookie dough mix-ins to be exact- but we would have to eat it somewhere cool...like downtown at gate way by the fountains or up on the hill looking at the city.

 Pretty standard date but those are my favorite things/ places in Utah and I have actually had a date almost exactly like this with my Boo and it was great :) It also probably helps make a "perfect date" when you are with someone that you love or actually want to be on a date with, otherwise all this is wasted because all you are thinking about is "when the eff is this going to be over,this guy is buggin and I want to go home" haha.

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