Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day/Anniversary- I love my husband

Oh Valentines day- here you are again.  Along with Valentine's day my hubby and I get to celebrate an anniversary. Not our wedding anniversary but still, a special one. February 16th is our 4 years/ 6 years.  4 years because its when we got back together- 6 years because that is the total amount of how long we have been together.  Warning: I am about to get sappy about my husband and our relationship.
* I call him Boo- I have no idea when it started or where it came from but I call him that
* I know that he is mad at me when he calls me Trina- not babe- haha
* I love that when he is asleep- he will still roll over and cuddle me when I get into bed
* I love that he has mad cooking skills- even though he rarely uses them
* I love how sweet he is- but he hides it.
* I love that he tries to be my best friend when I don't have one
* When I have my breakdowns- he seriously is the one person that knows how to make it better
* He complains about the TV shows I love but he always is the one that buys the seasons of those shows on DVD for me cause he knows how much I love them
* I love that he complains about how spoiled I am but he still spoils me anyway
* I love how optimistic he is when I am such a downer
* I love watching him play guitar- especially acoustic guitar. It melts my heart <3

These are reasons that I LOVE my Boo :) 

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